Ok, so here is what we need to figure out to move forward:
1) Are these performance collection rules you created, or are they perf
rules from a sealed mp?
- If your, then what kind of perf collection did you set up, if perf
from sealed mp, you know that the scom agent will sample a counter and only
logs a delta. Do you want that or do you want values logged every time it
samples, if so you need to create a rule to do that.
2) Have you logged into the DW SQL server to see if you can query the
performance data for x server to see if it returns the actual samples?
3) Once you create the SQL query that returns this data, you will probably
have to create a very generic report and publish it.
We have done this in our environment so that we can get reports that return
data without charts. However, when creating the SQL statements you have to
first find the object, then the server, or servers, then the instance, then
format that data. Our AD team has one MOM administrator who had to create
all of these custom reports for AD. His management wanted the RAW samples,
like you want. So he created these reports. I asked him for a snipit of
his SQL code and he gave it to me:
dateadd(hour,convert(int,@tzOffSet),a.[datetime]) as
,c.path as [name]
,AVG(a.samplevalue) as AvgValue
from Perf.vPerfRaw a inner join dbo.vPerformanceRuleInstance b on
a.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId =
INNER JOIN dbo.vManagedEntity c ON
a.managedentityrowid = c.managedentityrowid
INNER JOIN dbo.vPerformanceRule d ON
b.RuleRowID = d.RuleRowID
INNER JOIN dbo.vRelationship e ON
c.managedentityrowid = e.TargetManagedEntityRowID
WHERE d.objectname = @PerfObj
AND d.countername = @PerfCounter
AND (b.instancename = @instance OR @instance = '<ALL>')
AND c.path = @server
AND (dateadd(hour,convert(int,@tzOffSet),a.[datetime]) >=
dateadd(hour,convert(int,@tzOffSet),a.[datetime]) <= @enddate)
GROUP BY c.path ,d.objectname ,d.countername ,b.instancename ,a.[datetime]
ORDER BY a.[datetime]
All of the variables in this code are taken from previous chained select
statements. He created a few different reports: Hourly, Daily, and
detailed. Hourly he said isn't too bad, but detailed will hammer your DW
SQL server. I suspect MSFT hasn't created any reports similar to these
because of the performance impact on the SQL DW server. This was a pain for
him to discover and set up, so if you have someone who is familiar with SQL
then this snipit of code might be helpful in developing your own raw perf
Email: mengotto<at>
Blog: http//
OpsMgr MVP
Post by GeriPost by Blake Mengotto [MVP]You can't drill down and see more detail? There should be a collapsed
table that you can expand that will show you all the samples in numeric
form. This is found under the chart.
HI Blake,
sure, i can drill down the reports, but these are only showing average
data (min/max/average) and not data for each single sample!
09.00 - 10.00 (4 samples)
Sample 1: 45,5
Sample 2: 60,6
Sample 3: 70,5
Sample 4: 25,2
09.00 - 10.00 (4 samples)
Min - Max - Average - Standard deviation !!
Thanks & best regards